I just moved into a new house 96㎡, and my relatives said that effect is not as good as 200,000 yuan.Is it profitable?

The new house has just moved, I have been living in it for a week. Three-room apartment of 96 square meters. After New Year, relatives came to visit. Everyone boasts that effect is not 200,000. This hardcover is less than 100,000. After listening to praise of relatives, is it really profitable?

I just moved into a new house 96㎡, and my relatives said that effect is not as good as 200,000 yuan.Is it profitable?
I just moved into a new house 96㎡, and my relatives said that effect is not as good as 200,000 yuan.Is it profitable?

There is a passage in hallway, which is highlighted by wavy wires. The wall is covered with a shoe cabinet and a dressing bench. The passage from hallway also leads to dining area.

I just moved into a new house 96㎡, and my relatives said that effect is not as good as 200,000 yuan.Is it profitable?

The walls of living room are painted in full gray, background wall for TV is made of plasterboard, plain wallpaper is pasted on it, furniture is comfortable and warm.

I just moved into a new house 96㎡, and my relatives said that effect is not as good as 200,000 yuan.Is it profitable?

Despite fact that area of ​​the house is 96㎡, living room is relatively spacious, balcony is also open and not closed, and community cannot be closed.

I just moved into a new house 96㎡, and my relatives said that effect is not as good as 200,000 yuan.Is it profitable?

The dining room and kitchen are connected, and dining table is a folding table. When there are many guests, it unfolds into a round table. Usually family folds it up and puts it against wall when they have it, so as not to take up space.

I just moved into a new house 96㎡, and my relatives said that effect is not as good as 200,000 yuan.Is it profitable?

The two bedrooms are about same size. The second bedroom has a balcony and master bedroom has a dressing room.

I just moved into a new house 96㎡, and my relatives said that effect is not as good as 200,000 yuan.Is it profitable?

All walls of second bedroom are painted blue, and balcony is relatively small and closed, it can be used as a drying place.

I just moved into a new house 96㎡, and my relatives said that effect is not as good as 200,000 yuan.Is it profitable?

The main bedroom is purple, without a balcony and with a small bay window. The marble top also becomes a lounge table. The dressing room is equipped with a sliding door. The space is small, but the capacity is still very strong.

I just moved into a new house 96㎡, and my relatives said that effect is not as good as 200,000 yuan.Is it profitable?

The bathroom is more spacious and has a dry and wet layout. It refreshes and cleans. Not afraid of tide to put washing machine. Wool fabric?

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