Mr. Wang was away all time, and he returned at end of last year. This husband's house is 81 sq. m is also house left by Mr. Wang's grandmother. It has been empty for three years. Mr. Wang returned from his hometown after celebrating new year and compared it with original photo, he couldn't believe his eyes, can you see the difference?
Two floor plans compared before and after renovation. Although layout of house has not changed, after the renovation it has become much cleaner.
This photo is before renovation, it turned out very dirty, and layout is also random, with feeling of an old man's house.
This is overall effect of living room. After modification, walls are painted light blue. With a fabric sofa and log furniture, everything looks very fresh in Scandinavian style. No need.
The whole wall of TV wall is decorated with white cultural stones, which is a popular Nordic style now and a fresh style that is very popular with young people.
The sofa I bought is a blue-gray style fabric sofa, combined with white and bright yellow cushions, with dark and light colors, atmosphere immediately becomes lively, suitable for all ages.
The dining room is located to side of living room. The log dining table and chairs are a classic combination of Scandinavian style. The lighting in living room was not very good and interior is mostly in light colors which makes interior of room much lighter.
Original kitchen was dark and dingy and original layout has not changed. Refurbished walls are covered with white tiles and white cabinets, too wasteful for space. Wall depth 25 cm. Both built-in cabinets. .
This is a before and after comparison of master bedroom. In fact, previous bedroom looks clean. After all, houses of many husbands are not as clean as they are now. After renovation it has a fresh Scandinavian atmosphere.
This is a comparison of second bedroom before and after. This is room that Mr. Wang has prepared for his children. This room has Mooji atmosphere and elegance, and it is much more convenient for children to study.
The bathroom has also changed quite a lot. Although walls of former bathroom are all cement and floor is just tiled, it is still clean and not dirty. After renovation, dry and wet layout Created. There is also a shower room inside, and as a partition a barn door is used between toilet and toilet. It looks retro and trendy. If it were you, would you be surprised by such a transformation?