The decoration of new house was handed over to daughter-in-law. The house of 156 square meters is decorated in a modern American style, noble and elegant. A few friends who came said it was very big and it looked like a villa. They don't know if they are happy or sad, they don't know that prodigal daughter-in-law spent 450,000 yuan on heavy decoration of this house, and furniture is another expense. All these beauties are money!
To say it's difficult, it really isn't. It's just decoration. The effect is that it looks very high quality and great. The background wall of sofa is covered with a hard surface, sofa is combined with beige fabric and solid wood. , and floor is made of floor tiles with a stone pattern. Everywhere there is nobility.
The living room has large floor-to-ceiling windows as a whole, opening up space of balcony, and interior looks very light, with chairs and tables, atmosphere is natural!
The floor in dining room is same as in living room. It is lined with white marbled tiles, and is lined with waves on both sides. I must say that idea of the designer is really good. Yes, money spent looks beautiful.
This is first time I see wall tiles in kitchen. Most of them are tiles of same design and color. The treatment is very atmospheric.
A long and narrow passage does not look long when it is decorated in this way. The decorative painting is not a famous painting, but blue tones and stone materials are elegant and high class.
The tone of master bedroom is more elegant, light blue, and linens and curtains are same tone, which is very comfortable.
A new partition has been built, a working area is separated behind a small wall, which is used as a dressing table and a desk.
On wall of second bedroom there is a wallpaper in form of a sailboat, this is a room specially prepared for children, full of childishness and atmosphere.
The floor in bathroom is completely covered with gray textured tiles, which is very artistic. Regardless of money, effect is really beautiful!