Having worked diligently on decoration of new house for more than six months, having arranged all furniture, it turned out that work was carried out slowly and painstakingly, and effect was better than in layout of room for sales office. This is not bragging, I can't wait to move in right now, if you don't believe me, let me show you!
First, let me show you overall effect of living room and dining room as viewed from balcony. All furniture is finished products and it's all very refreshing!
The entrance to door is dining room. The furniture is custom made in a dark wood color and low cabinet next to it is a shoe cabinet. The cabinets in room are mostly painted with milky white paint, which is a stark contrast. with color of the furniture.
The built-in sideboard next to dining table initially thought color of furniture was too dark and would look very old-fashioned, but when I put it on, I found that effect is actually good.
The lighting in living room is very good, and clean walls decorated with lines of plaster are not so monotonous, and level of effect has improved significantly.
The master bedroom has a bed and bedside tables. The walls are also decorated with plaster lines. There is no ceiling, but walls are separated by two different colors. Not only does this create a ceiling effect, but entire bedroom looks quite high class.
The master bedroom is almost an inside and outside room. Although it does not have a bathroom, study and dressing room are almost the dreams of most women.
Look at this large corner cabinet, it's built to top so you don't have to worry about running out of space to store any amount of stuff.
The second bedroom is used as a nursery. Instead of using dark tone of master bedroom, it has been changed to a vibrant and vibrant green, making this space feel more active.
The bathroom is separated from wet and dry, and bathroom cabinet in outer room is fixed, it is installed directly on wall and fixed, which prevents dust from entering gaps. Although it took a long time to decorate, effect is really beautiful and I will move in after half a month of drying!