My parents are about to retire and old house I rented out has been returned and renovated. My mother's birthplace is in Shanghai, and I still hope that a nursing home can have a vintage feel. Shanghai. The designer sister-in-law fell in love with it. She was very surprised when she finished decoration. The old man liked it very much. Even next time I saw it, I wanted to decorate it in this style!
Relatively narrow lobby, it was originally a restaurant area with an old layout, but after renovation this area has been vacated, and whole space looks much more open.
Avoid lack of privacy in living room as soon as you walk through door. A high wooden stool frame is used as a partition between entrance and entrance. It is pure solid wood and very simple taste.
The background wall of living room is made of gypsum wire frame with a retro leather sofa and an old tea table. .
The TV wall does not have any particular decorative shapes, only corners are wrapped in cultural redbrick-colored bricks, a sense of old-fashioned gaudiness that evokes in elderly memories of residences of their youth, and more casual and old Shanghai, it becomes stronger.
After renovation, dining room and kitchen are more closely connected, and completely independent from living room. The entire wall is lined with cultural bricks, and booths are decorated on side. I still remember year I was in Shanghai and saw a lot. This corner coffee shop is full of nostalgia.
The kitchen is made open. The old man said that in old Shanghai, most of dining room and kitchen were combined, and feeling of a family sitting around is very warm.
The older generation continues to pay more attention to workspace. This open reading nook adjoins living room. With a rocking chair and a pair of reading glasses, you can spend all day reading.
The old man is simple and does not want to buy new bed linen. Although original bed linen is old, it was washed very cleanly, especially by accident. The combination is harmonious, full of comfort and tranquility.
The bathroom is separated from wet and dry area, and sink is placed outside. In addition to washing your face in morning and evening, it is very convenient to wash your hands before and after eating. It's just such a small eclipse. I just pretended to be a nursing home filled with atmosphere of old Shanghai. I was itching when I saw result. The new house will be like this in future. It's so convenient!