Having worked diligently on decoration of new house for more than six months, having arranged all furniture, it turned out that work was carried out slowly and painstakingly, and effect was better than in layout of room for sales ...
Take key and start looking at different decorating strategies two months in advance. I was stunned to turn an ornamental rookie into a veteran driver. Decoration really helps to lose weight. I have been busy for almost three month...
New house, recently renovated, just moved in. I heard from a designer that cultured stone for American style home decoration is more delicious than white. The results prove that this is true. The TV wall is all decorated with cult...
Houses are often tens of thousands of square meters these days, so we can only work hard on decorating to maximize space. It is true to brag about a newly built house, listening to experience and advice of old owner. A cabinet bui...
My colleague's new house in city area has been renovated. This bungalow is 105 m². The photos she posted are really exquisite, especially wallpaper on TV wall and shaped wall cabinet next to it. They are so beautiful. I heard that...
According to most people, to make decoration look good, you need to spend a lot of money to get effect. But there are always shrewd people who spend least to achieve results beyond expectations. Don't believe it, take a look at su...
In age of Internet, where different cultures and concepts are rapidly evolving, traditional modern style can no longer satisfy people's desire for perfect home. If you don't stick to one decorative element, then mixing and matchin...
During finishing of new house, no modeling was carried out, and cost of finishing was significantly reduced. Decorating hard finish of a 90 m² house cost only over 70,000 yuan. Many acquaintances said that without styling it is mo...
Last week, an engineer from Department of Civil Engineering bragged about a 39-square-meter apartment he installed, saying it was done to save money. Looking at partitions and cabinets in room, they are all made of solid wood, but...
I like American style decorating style most, and I found a lot of photos for reference before decorating. After installing a new home, effect is almost as expected, beautiful and practical. On day of move, several neighbors came t...