Upscale decoration of a Chinese restaurant depends on individual rooms, adding a little detail can make it popular.

Despite fact that Western restaurants are now highly respected by younger generation, under close observation, Chinese restaurants do do well and last forever. Especially for middle- and high-income customers, food is second priority, and main product is actually atmosphere of food.

Thus, essence of design of a Chinese restaurant lies in separate rooms. If you want a design effect outside of circle, key is to look at details.

1. Indoor furniture

Upscale decoration of a Chinese restaurant depends on individual rooms, adding a little detail can make it popular.

Focus on elements of Chinese culture such as screens, ceramics, sculptures and other elements.

2. Wall decoration

Upscale decoration of a Chinese restaurant depends on individual rooms, adding a little detail can make it popular.

Using different materials on walls of a large area to enhance change, combination of rich log materials and gray walls is both unified and harmonious, as well as the charm of landscape paintings.

3. Section Design

Upscale decoration of a Chinese restaurant depends on individual rooms, adding a little detail can make it popular.

Different materials and tones are used to highlight different functional areas, and flowing lines are laid out on façade and top surface, emphasizing moderate and peaceful thought of Chinese culture. Pure geometric shapes and simple decor emphasize restraint and restraint, showing an extraordinary sense of quality.

4. Bright colored decorations

Upscale decoration of a Chinese restaurant depends on individual rooms, adding a little detail can make it popular.

The warm color of wood is used as a decoration for a small area to soften squareness of space and make dining space solemn yet leisurely. Let visitors feel beauty of art while enjoying food.

The design of individual rooms in Chinese restaurants requires both transitional expansion and a level of detail. In fact, it has little to do with cost of raw materials.

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